About The Blogger

     Hi, I’m Sarah and this blog is dedicated to documenting my efforts in finding and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

I currently reside in Illinois and recently graduated with my degree in communications with an emphasis in rhetoric and interpersonal communication. Being in college has unfortunately lead to the demise of a healthy diet. Although that’s not an excuse for some, I was caught completely off guard. Grad school is somewhere in the horizon, but this year is going to be focused on improving my fitness and diet while juggling other priorities.

I’d also like to mention that I happen to be legally blind. Don’t panic! Don’t run. Questions are welcome at any time. I am comfortable with my disability and don’t mind sharing experiences and stories with others.

As shown in this picture, my guide dog is my best friend. We spend a lot of time together. In fact, she will be joining me for the next 5K I will be participating in. Together we will rock that race and all other obstacles life will throw at us.

Thanks for stopping by!

Visit my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/jdognasian

Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/c_for_chaos

Browse my regular blog: www.jdognasian.blogspot.com